When to Be Concerned During Dog Labor and Delivery

While many pregnant dogs have smooth deliveries that require minimal human intervention and are done in the comfort of their home, there can be complications that necessitate greater human intervention or that require emergency services rendered by your local veterinarian. I highly recommend learning about potential complications before your pregnant dog goes into labor so […]

The Three Stages of Labor for Pregnant Dogs

In dogs, there are three distinct stages of labor that begin with minute contractions (not visible to our eyes) to visible contractions that produce a puppy to the delivery of a placenta. In dogs, the second and third stage of labor can be together, and then your whelping dog will go back into the second […]

Supplies You’ll Need to Foster a Pregnant Dog

Making the commitment to fostering a pregnant dog, and therefore, her soon-to-be-born puppies, is an incredible act of love and will be a deeply rewarding experience. This guide focuses on what supplies you’ll need to foster a pregnant dog successfully! When fostering a pregnant dog, she will need a quiet space where she can nest, […]

How to Set Up a Whelping Box for a Pregnant Dog

Your pregnant mama will need a whelping box or equivalent, like a plastic kiddie pool, plastic sandbox or even an oversized crate if that is all that you have on hand. For small pregnant dogs, anything with sides tall enough to keep puppies in but short enough to let mama hop out, works just fine. […]

About Christine

Christine Mielke has fostered over 100 dogs and puppies and assisted with countless more through volunteering at local rescues and shelters. She is an experienced medical foster who has worked with cleft palate puppies, dying and premature newborns, and critically ill and injured puppies.